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Class Offerings - 2025-2026 School Year

The youngest students that we accept must be 30 months old (2.5 years) by September 1, 2025. The oldest students that we accept must be no older than 5 years old on September 1, 2025. Classes are formed with students closest in age.

Choose from the following class options:
  • 2 Days/Week: Thursday & Friday (Thurs/Fri) OR
  • 3 Days/Week: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday (Mon/Tues/Wed) OR
  • 5 Days/Week: Monday through Friday (M-F)

  • "AM" Class Times: 2 hours and 45 minutes, 8:45-11:30 am
  • "PM" Class Time: 2 hours and 45 minutes, 12-2:45 pm
  • "PRE-K EXTENDED DAY" Class Time: 4 hours, 9 am-1 pm (Students must turn 4 by Sept. 1, 2025 for Extended Day.)
  • Please note: We understand that schedules can be difficult to coordinate with elementary schools, etc. Our students are welcome to be dropped off late or picked up early as needed.

    Our school year runs from September through mid-June (ten months), getting out just before the Renton School District. We follow the Renton School District's holiday and vacation schedule as much as possible to make life easier for our families with older siblings.

    Tuition & Registration Fee

  • $100.00 non-refundable fee for registration processing and classroom supplies.

    For your convenience, your yearly tuition may be paid in ten equal monthly tuition installment payments (10-month school year):

  • 2 Days/Week: $209 per month for AM or PM; $304 per month for Pre-K Extended Day
  • 3 Days/Week: $314 per month for AM or PM; $456 per month for Pre-K Extended Day
  • 5 Days/Week: $523 per month for AM or PM; $760 per month for Pre-K Extended Day
  • Mix & Match - 3-Day Pre-K Extended Day + 2-Day AM or PM: $665 per month
  • Mix & Match - 3-Day AM or PM + 2-Day Pre-K Extended Day: $618 per month